History of Tattoo

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History of Tattoo

Of course, the tattoo's first entry into human history was not that simple.

Of course, the tattoo's first entry into human history was not that simple. E.g ; It is known that in the past, the Hun Turks had tattoos of noble and heroic people, and in Rome, on the contrary, it was used as a sign to show criminals and slaves. In the Ottomans, tattooing was very common among sailors and janissaries. Tattoo "dak", as it is called in the East and Southeast of Anatolia, was made with the belief of luck and fertility, to protect the body from its evils, rather than adorning the body. Tattoo history BC It dates back 30,000 – 10,000 years. It was also frequently seen among the Indians, ancient Egypt, Kazan and Kyrgyz Turks. In the original communities, the person who made the tattoo would do the tattoo in a month.
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